After song by Ihsahn
TUNNING HEAVY PROG MASTERPIECE FROM EMPEROR FRONTMAN IHSAHN Recorded during the first half of 2009, After completes the Ihsahn's planned trilogy of initial recordings. The album showcases the Norwegian icon with drummer Asgeir Mickelson (Spiral Architect), bassist Lars K. Norberg (Spiral Architect), & saxophonist Jorgen Munkeby (Shining). "This is my first album written with 8-string guitars as basis which has been both challenging and inspiring,” he comments when discussing the creative process. “I also decided early on that I wanted to mix this album with Jens Bogren (Opeth, Katatonia) and recorded the album with that in mind. Asgeir and Lars have again delivered superb performances. I've always wanted to implement the saxophone in my music; Jorgen’s contributions truly added a silver lining to the album." Again working at his own Symphonique Studio, with additional work at Toproom Studio (co-engineered by Borge Finstad), After was meticulously laid out over an eight month period. The intensity of the project has more than paid off with early listenings already proclaiming it to be the most poignant creations of his solo efforts. “I have felt more confident and more at ease with the material,” relays Ihsahn. “In letting the songs themselves lead the way I just followed the natural impulses." After the release of 2005’s mini-album, The Moribund People, his first writings of solo material began. Ihsahn’s first recording,The Adversary, found the musician composing and performing all instruments and immediately struck a chord with his hordes of fans worldwide. The album afforded Ihsahn the opportunity to embrace more expansive sonic textures previously untouched in Emperor. The album also saw a return of his various lyrical muses. "Icaros, Lucifer, Prometheus, Zarathustra are all persons of history who challenged commonly accepted, most often enforced "truths," despite civilization's persecution of them and their followers,” he comments. “Their stories are inspirational. AngL would follow in 2008.
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