Turkish Wine - Why Turkish wine not popular

Why can't we Turkish wine anywhere. An article about Turkey and wine.

Turkey is one of the top producers of grapes. But wine making is not that big. Raki is the main reason. While there is raki on a table, only 1 in 10 Turks would drink wine. But over the last few years it's changed. Now more Turks prefer wine to raki. But it will take at least 748489595 years for Turks to consume more wine than raki :)  Another important reason is -too much grape-but less wine- selling the grapes fresh or dry brings more money than making wine. 80% of the raisin in the world markets dravot.blogspot.comcomes from Turkey. And it puts really good amount of money in those farmers' bank accounts ;)  And.. whole Middle East and Russia buy fresh grapes from Turkey.And they usually pay as soon as they buy it. But wine producers don't do it like that.  Plus producing alcohol in Turkey is very expensive; extremely high taxes. There are really, really very good Turkish wine in the market, but expensive and not produced in massive numbers. Therefore, you can't find them in every supermarket. But you would see them dravot.blosgpot.com in the first page of wine menus in Michelin starred restaurants all over the world and other top class restaurants and airlines. Article by: Dravot

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