He was born in November 18, 1962, San Francisco. He is the lead guitarist and a songwriter in the heavy metal band Metallica. He has been a member of the band since 1983. Female fans of Metallica adore him. Girls scream for him at the concerts.. Boys try to play the guitar like him.. This is Kirk Hammett. Click here to see Metal Vocalist Zodiac Signs
In this photo he was only in high school.. Now he is the guitarist of world's most popular metal music band.. Can you recognize this young man? While young female fans of the band covering their bedroom walls with his posters, boys try to play the guitar like him.. Still can't recognize? Click here to see who he is . You"ll get shocked :)
Well, some dogs do some dogs don't. This big dog in the video eats berries. She is eating gooseberry. This dog loves gooseberry and raspberries as well. This dog is in love with fruit bushes.
Which metal vocalist is Taurus? Which metal vocalist is Virgo? Which metal vocalist is Gemini? AQUARIUS - Varg Vikernes PIECES - Randy Blythe ARIES - Alexi Laiho TAURUS - Chuck Schuldiner GEMINI - King Diamond CANSER - Corpsegrinder LEO - Bruce Dickinson VIRGO - Rob Halford LIBRA - Joey Belladonna SCORPIO - Shagrart SAGITTARIUS - Ozzy CAPRICORN - Lemmy
City of Life and Death Full Movie. Starring Liu Ye, Gao Yuanyuan, Fan Wei, Qin Lan, Nakaizumi Hideo, Jiang Yiyan, Yao Di, John Paisley Directed by Lu Chuan Produced by Zhao Haicheng, Yang Xinli, Han Xiaoli, Jiang Tao, Liang Yong
Two men were sentenced to death by hanging, in Kuwait. The one whose face is visible has raped a 6 years old girl. Kuwait Laws order capital punishment for rapists. Video shows how dead penalty hanging video. Please do not watch it if you are a very sensitive person.
In Panama, The construction of Barro Blanco, a hydroelectric dam in the Chiriqui Province brings some problems to Ngäbe-Buglé, an indigenous tribe of Panama . Lets watch this short but interesting documentary.
A beautiful young British girl works in China as a teacher and one day... this happens: "I was at Tian'anmen Square, just coming out of the National Museum of China (which was mega cool) and there were 3 Chinese girls taking photos of each other outside, in a touristy way. They asked me to take their photo all together, so I did. They started complimenting me (which isn't unusual with the girls here) and asked where I was from etc. They said they were from near Hong Kong and they seemed really nice. They said they were on their way to the food market and I asked if I could join them, they said "of course!" and we started walking there. On the way, after about 15 minute walk, one of them said they were thirsty so we stopped at a shitty little tea shop. It's the Chinese kind where you get a small room privately for your group, which looks like a prison cell with a big table and chairs inside. They ordered 2 pots of herbal tea and some coffee. I ordered a co...
Is it all about Islam itself or Muslims? Who is actually offended by atheists? After some atheists believe in that Islam is offended by some arguments of today's world, an unpopular friend of mine wrote this. "I was born in a secular Muslim country and 80% of the people around me were Muslims until my 20's. and I never heard of any of those things offended anyone. Woman rights, free speech, democracy (especially), eating whatever you want, genuine human rights, gay marriage (it was not in any dravot.blogspot.com subject those times) and more less those kind of things have always been considered as essentials of life and our society. Then I heard almost the same or very similar words from some other Muslim countries too (Malaysia, Bosnia etc). Therefore its not the Islam what is offended by those thins but some certain group believers. And this kind of thins take time to establish. For example, not too long, only 80 years ago there were many Western countries (like F...
Steve's review on John Bold's "Stand Church" 'This church is near where I live, in the area I've always lived. It was painted in the 70's or earlier [the artist died in 1979]. The houses in the foreground look unrecognizable to me. I've visited this church a few times and pass it frequently, the architecture is very Gothic with huge arches, stone gargoyles and a large graveyard. It's a very Gothic church up close and personal. The painting depicts the rear of the church. Despite the church being in the background of the painting where none of the Gothic architecture is too obvious, this painting just looks so dark and Goth. The trees, the old houses and the grey skies really set the scene for what I consider Gothic art. The black cat is a nice touch too. However, I imagine the artist never considered his painting to be Gothic art.
Neris River in Lithuania is fantastic for canoeing and kayaking. In this video you will see a group of girl friends kayaking in Vilnius on Neris River. A beautiful summer day in Lithuania. Perfect for a kayak trip. Kayak trip Lithuania - Canoe trip Lithuania - Watersports in Lithuania - Paddling in Neris River - Vilnius Girls in Canoes
In this video you can see tourists are canoeing in Vilnele River, Vilnius, Lithuania. There are lots of little and bigger streams and rivers in Lithuania for canoe lovers.
Various amateur street musicians, Vilnius, Lithuania, May 2014 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15
Cactus Furniture. Would you like to have this cactus coach for your living room? or how about making love on it? This cactus sofa might be a dream thing for green couples.
Kayseri'den çıkan mehur şsanatçılar, Kayseri'de doğan şarkıcılar. Kayserili rokçılar. Ali Rıza Binboğa, efsanevi "Öğretmen Öğretir" şarkısını yaratan adam, (1950) Aşık Seyrani, Develi'li Seyrani. Asıl adı Mehmet'tir. (doğ. 1800'lerin başı) Bangkok Gecelerinden Görüntüler Cengiz Kurt, şarkıcı, müzik eğitmeni, yayıncı, belgesel müzik yapımcısı. (1960) Erdinç Erişmiş, besteci, pop yorumcusu. şarkıcı Kayahan'ın yeğenidir. (28 Kasım 1966) Haluk Özkan, Halk müziği sanatçısı. Ateşlere Yürüyorum, Vira Bismillah.. (1965) Türk Büyükelçiliklerindeki İş İlanları Listesi Seyrani, Everek Köyü'nde doğmuş bir halk ozanıdır. nünü hece ölçüsüyle yazdığı koşma,semai,destan,nefes ve şathiyeleriyle kazanmıştır. (1807 - 1866)
Bizans İmparatorları'nın isimleri DOĞU ROMA BİZANAS İMPARATORLARI Constantinus I. Flavius Valerius 288 Yugoslavya (Naissus), 337 İzmit) Babası Constantius Chlorus, İmparator Diocletianus’un oluşturduğu tetrarkhi’nin (dörtlü yönetim) üyelerinden biri, annesi halktan biri olan Helena idi. Diocletianus babasının Helena’dan boşanarak Batı’nın Augustos’u Maksimianus’un kızı Theodora ile evlenmesini istedi. Böylece Constantinus’un soylulukla bağı kuruldu. Bundan sonra Constantinus eğitilmek üzere Docletianus’un sarayına gönderildi, Latin kültürü aldı, asker gibi yetiştirildi ve yeni yayılmaya başlayan Hıristiyanlıkla tanıştı. Constantinus imparatorluğun batı kesiminin augustos’u oldu. İmparatorluk için savaş verdi, 312’de Maksentius’u öldürerek İtalya’nın tümünü ele geçirdi. 313’te din özgürlüğünü içeren Milano Buyruğunu yayınladı. Buna karşı çıkan, çok tanrılı dinden yana olan Licinus ile anlaşarak Trakya’yı ona verdi ve barbar akınlarına karşı da birlikte olmak üzere anlaştılar. Ne va...