Gothic Painting of Stand Church - Whitefield Manchester

Steve's review on John Bold's "Stand Church"
'This church is near where I live, in the area I've always lived. It was painted in the 70's or earlier [the artist died in 1979]. The houses in the foreground look unrecognizable to me.

I've visited this church a few times and pass it frequently, the architecture is very Gothic with huge arches, stone gargoyles and a large graveyard. It's a very Gothic church up close and personal. The painting depicts the rear of the church.

Despite the church being in the background of the painting where none of the Gothic architecture is too obvious, this painting just looks so dark and Goth. The trees, the old houses and the grey skies really set the scene for what I consider Gothic art. The black cat is a nice touch too.

However, I imagine the artist never considered his painting to be Gothic art.

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