Showing posts from October, 2009
Molten Chocolate Cake - How to make a little chocolate cake - Recipe and Ingredients
Master confectioner Mario Ragona shows how to make a little chocolate cake with a soft, delicious heart. Ingredients for 6 persons 5 Whole eggs 250 gr. (8.81 oz.) 150 gr. (5.29 oz.) Bitter cocoa powder sieved 250 gr. (8.81 oz.) Sugar 140 gr. (4.93 oz.) 0 Flour 130 gr. (4.58 oz.) Butter Butter 6 little cake moulds, lightly flour them and tap out the excess flour In a mixing bowl, put the butter at room temperature, add sugar whisk it and slowly pour the eggs Now It's time to add half flour previously sieved, and begin to stir When the flour is amalgamated add half cocoa powder, stir always from bottom to top When the cocoa powder is well amalgamated, add remaining flour, finally add remaining cocoa powder Once batter reaches the right consistency transfer the chocolate batter to a pastry bag and fill the moulds It's very important to freeze the batter before baking, in this way you will have the chocolate melted heart When the chocolate cake is frozen and oven ready, put it into...
Spaghetti Amatriciana - How to cook the Original Amatriciana - Ingredient and Special recipe and
Ingredients for 4 persons 500 gr (17.63 oz) Spaghetti 100 gr (3.52 oz) Guanciale (Pork Cheek) Roughly Chopped 500 gr (17.63 oz) Peeled Tomatoes 100 gr (3.52 oz) Fresh Pecorino Cheese, grated 1 Tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil ½ Glass Dry White Wine Chili Pepper Flakes to taste Salt, a pinch First of all put spaghetti into boiling salted water Meanwhile heat a non-stick frying pan then add the guanciale Cook the guanciale over medium heat until golden brown, add a pinch of chili pepper flakes, continue to cook for a couple of minutes then pour the white wine into the pan Once the wine has reduced, remove the guanciale from the pan and transfer it to paper towels, cover to keep it warm and set aside Take the peeled tomatoes and crush by hands into the pan taste with salt and let it simmer over high heat for 3 to 4 minutes Return the guanciale to the pan and cook for 2 minutes more Transfer the sauce to a large bowl, only half of sauce Drain spaghetti, transfer it to the bowl, add the re...
Italian Fettuccine recipe with Wild Mushrooms Sauce - Do you want to cook this special pasta
Ingredients for 4 persons 280 Gr. (9.87 Oz.) Fresh Egg Pasta - Fettuccine 300 Gr. (10.58) Dried Porcini Mushrooms (Wild Mushrooms) 1 ½ Glass White Wine 2 Cloves of Garlic Extra Virgin Olive Oil Fresh Chopped Parsley Hot Pepper Flakes Rosemary Salt Heat the pan and pour in the extra virgin olive oil, add the crushed garlic, a little rosemary, a pinch of hot pepper flakes and Porcini mushrooms (Wild mushrooms) Leave it fry slowly for a minute then season with salt and cook it, over a medium/high heat, for about 5 minutes Now pour in the white wine Pour the Fettuccine into salted boiling water Add a little pasta cooking water (½ ladle) into the pan Once fettuccine has cooked, drain and put into the pan, saute to amalgamate pasta with mushrooms sauce Transfer fettuccine into a serving plate, garnish with chopped parsley, a small branch of rosemary and serve
Kızlık zarı kanı - ilk cinsel ilişki için sahte kızlık zarı kanı

Bekaretin hala çok önemsendiği, kızlık zarı için cinayetlerin işlendiği Ortadoğu ülkelerindeki ihtiyacı farkeden Çinliler, sahte kızlık zarı kanı üretti... Mısır’ın önde gelen din adamlarından Abdül Muti Bayumi, bu aleti Mısır’a ithal edip satanların ölümle cezalandırılmasını isterken, Mısırlı parlamenterler de hem aletin ithalinin hem de kullanılmasının yasaklanması çağrısında bulundu. Bu Rus kadın tecavüz etmekten zevk alıyor Mısır’ın ünlü El Ezher Üniversitesi’nde öğretim görevlisi olan Prof. Bayumi, bu aleti ülkeye sokmanın topluma kötülük yaymakla bir olduğunu savunarak, bunun da cezasının İslami şeriat yasalarına göre ölüm olduğunu söyledi. Bu arada Mısır parlamentosundan bir grup milletvekili de açıklama yaparak, erkekleri aldatmaya yönelik ve İslam toplumunda ahlak dışı davranışları teşvik ettiği öne sürülen aletin ithalinin yasaklanması çağrısında bulundu. Çin’de yapılan ve bakireliğin büyük önem taşıdığı Arap ülkelerinde giderek yayıldığı öne sürülen alet kadın cinsel orga...
Anne Frank: the only existing film images
July 22 1941. The girl next door is getting married. Anne Frank is leaning out of the window of her house in Amsterdam to get a good look at the bride and groom. It is the only time Anne Frank has ever been captured on film. At the time of her wedding, the bride lived on the second floor at Merwedeplein 39. The Frank family lived at number 37, also on the second floor. The Anne Frank House can offer you this film footage thanks to the cooperation of the couple.
Gerçek Karsambaç Nasıl Yapılır
Gerçek Karsambaç Nasıl Yapılır - Toroslar'da Karsambaç Keyfi Böyle Olur
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