Molten Chocolate Cake - How to make a little chocolate cake - Recipe and Ingredients

Master confectioner Mario Ragona shows how to make a little chocolate cake with a soft, delicious heart.
Ingredients for 6 persons
5 Whole eggs 250 gr. (8.81 oz.)
150 gr. (5.29 oz.) Bitter cocoa powder sieved
250 gr. (8.81 oz.) Sugar
140 gr. (4.93 oz.) 0 Flour
130 gr. (4.58 oz.) Butter

Butter 6 little cake moulds, lightly flour them and tap out the excess flour
In a mixing bowl, put the butter at room temperature, add sugar whisk it and slowly pour the eggs
Now It's time to add half flour previously sieved, and begin to stir
When the flour is amalgamated add half cocoa powder, stir always from bottom to top
When the cocoa powder is well amalgamated, add remaining flour, finally add remaining cocoa powder
Once batter reaches the right consistency transfer the chocolate batter to a pastry bag and fill the moulds
It's very important to freeze the batter before baking, in this way you will have the chocolate melted heart
When the chocolate cake is frozen and oven ready, put it into preheated oven at 220 degrees C (428 F.) for 8-10 minutes
Remove the cake from the mould, dust with cocoa powder, put into a plate and serve


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