A Mosque in Sweden - A Church in Syria - Why Scandinavians are wrong

This is my reply letter to a Swedish friend of mine who has shared her opinions on Muslims -generally in Sweden-  You can read her letter on here

"Well, first of all, I have to inform you and most of the Scandinavian people that there are more churches and Christians in Syria and other Arab countries like Egypt, Lebanon than Sweden and other Scandinavian and most other Northern European countries too. And nobody shots any Christians because of building a church.

Apart from this I want to tell you something; do you know what Sweden and especially all Scandinavian countries are called by most Arabs, Africans and eastern Muslims?; "dirt collectors" or sometimes "thief heaven".. because, interestingly (in fact in purpose, because they need some uneducated lower class people to give all unwanted jobs by Swedes. That's why an educated, intelligent and polite eastern,african whatever person can't enter Sweden as easy as a criminal, terrorist one) Governments dravot.blogspot.com of these countries let all kind of criminals, terrorists, thieves, radicals, ignorant religious immigrants, etc, etc in and welcome them with warm heart. Then leave them into the streets and people like you have to face the problems. Therefore you see mostly useless criminals and most unwanted persons in their mother countries.
And those countries are very happy with what you are doing; accepting all the criminals and useless dickheads, so their streets are more peaceful and cleaner.

Do you know, the same person who calls you whore and behaves repulsive could not do something like that to any woman in his own country -that's why he was kicked off and Sweden welcomes him- ..

And Islam.. It's not what you see.. but you have to see what you are shown.. This is called "world-politics" . You see something wehite today, tomorrow you may see it red, another day black and goes on.. This is how the world is ruled. AllThis is a very long issue but I stop here now."

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