More mosques in Sweden - Why Swedes are angry with it

Swedish government decided to give more money to different religious communities -mainly muslims- in 2013. So many Swedes are angry with this. But Why?

And a good friend of mine from Sweden said " If I checked the opportunity to build a christian church in, for example Syria, I would most likely be shot on the spot. I respect most religions and their believers but have a harder time accepting Islam. Why kill and start war in the name of God? Why suppress people who don't seem to fit in or have the same beliefs?I don't understand that.
When I lived in Stockholm which has lots of immigrants from Syria, Iran and Iraq, many of them (not all though) started to mock me right away when I left my house. Totally unprovoked they shouted things like whore, witch and such when I passed by.
Some of them even started to follow me around which was very creepy.
Why I don't know, every one of them was complete strangers to me. That kind of behaviour is repulsive and very unmature.
There sure are very nice arab-country people too, but most of those I've met have not shown me the same respect I usually give in return.
As for Islam.. I don't get the logic of war in the name of god, why every single being aren't allowed to be free and have their own opinions and beliefs, why women are killed because they don't want arranged marriages and so on. I don't think god (if he existed) would want those things to happen in the first place.
In my eyes religion is a comfort and personal choice, not something to be forced on depending on which country you live in or which culture you have. If Islam was an accepting and peaceful religion, why all the rules, why is there the sense of threat if not to follow these rules? I simply don't get it.

(I have written a reply to my friend. I tried to explain her why she is wrong:    You can read my reply letter on here )

Here in Sweden there are people with other "exotic" religions than Islam, but these people have never requested that we should replace our traditional churches with buddhist temples for example. We aren't allowed to sing our own national anthem in schools anymore because immigrants somehow thinks it's racistic. What happened to "When in Rome, do as the Romans do."? I've never had problems with adjusting to culture changes overseas, and have great respect for the locals when visiting. I don't demand them to build a christian church or whatever for my sake. If I believe in something and want to pray, I'll do it in private. After all, quote: "God is not to be found within buildings of wood or stone, he is all around you."

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